About Kyle

Kyle was born and raised in Tompkins County. After graduating from Ithaca High School, she received a bachelor’s degree in history from UNC Asheville. She then spent a number of years working in outdoor education in North Carolina, Oregon, and Hawaii. In 2012, it was time to return home!

For the last decade, Kyle has been a Social Studies teacher at Ithaca High School. In her classroom, she prioritizes critical thinking, collaborative learning, and empowering her students with the skills necessary to solve complex problems. She has also worn many hats beyond the classroom, including Cross Country Coach, Senior Class Advisor, and Awards Coordinator.

Kyle loves to be outside in any season. She knows and cherishes many of the outdoor spaces in and around Tompkins County and has really enjoyed re-exploring the wonders of the outdoor world with her spunky 4-year-old son, her best-friend husband, and their wonderful hound dog, Gus.